Raising Voices

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Tina Musuya is a feminist and the former Executive Director of Centre for Domestic Violence Prevention (CEDOVIP).  Under her guidance, CEDOVIP won the 2010 UNAIDS Red Ribbon Award for innovative work in preventing violence against women and HIV.  She also led the successful pilot of the SASA! program in Kampala, a ground breaking initiative that reduced physical intimate partner violence by 52% that showed that preventing violence against women (VAW) through social norm change is possible. Through CEDOVIP, she inspired local governments in more than 10 districts in Uganda to stream line VAW prevention through their community development department.  She has 17 years of experience of working with communities, police, civil society, local government and policy makers to prevent VAW. She coordinated the development of the Uganda Police Force Domestic Violence handbook and the police GBV training manual and helped draft and successfully campaigned for passage of the Domestic Violence Act.  Tina recently joined Social Development Direct as a Co-Lead for the Learning partnership Team for the What Works to prevent violence against women and girls: Impact at Scale. Tina is a long-time friend, feminist co-conspirator and partner of Raising Voices.